Indian equity indices plummeted with Sensex tanking over 600 points, Nifty below 21,900. BSE market cap dropped Rs 3.71 lakh crore. IT stocks weakened, FIIs sold, and oil prices edged down. Nifty's support level at 21,915 breached.
Indian equity indices traded sharply lower on Tuesday, dragged by index heavyweights , Reliance Industries, and , while Asian peers declined ahead of the US Fed policy decision this week.tanked over 600 points to below 72,200 level while gave up 21,900 mark. The market capitalisation of all listed companies on BSE declined by Rs 3.71 lakh crore to Rs 375.08 lakh crore.
Here are top factors that led to a selloff on Dalal Street today:
- Global stocks on back foot
Japan's Nikkei share average swung between small gains and losses after the Bank of Japan on Tuesday announced an end to its long-running ultra-accommodative stimulus programmes, as widely expected.
- IT stocks drag
Overall, the IT index was down 2%, the worst sectoral loser today.
- FIIs remain in 'sell' mode
- Oil on boil
- Technical indicators
"Nifty, on the weekly chart, placed at the edge of moving below the strong support of the 20-week EMA, around 21,915. This is not a good sign. The near-term trend of Nifty is weak. A decisive move below 21,900 could open sharp weakness down for the next support of 21,500-21,400 levels," said Nagaraj Shetti, Senior Technical Analyst, HDFC Securities.
(With inputs from agencies)
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Source: Stocks-Markets-Economic Times